Friday, November 21, 2014

Aryana-Quinn I.S.R. Movie

Classroom daily issue 5

The Classroom Daily  
Issue #5

             Jack-o-lantern Art Due!
On Friday all Jack-o-lantern art will be due. Send them to Ellie or Ivy. If they were drawn by hand, turn them into Ivy at the beginning or end of the day. To review the contest instructions, view issue four on the blog. Winners will be chosen on the Friday after the art is due, and their art will be posted in that day’s paper.

                  Student of the week
Starting next Monday, we will be looking for students who are helping other and being on their best behavior. A student of the week will be chosen, and posted in that Friday’s paper. The student will have the choice to write an article, whether it’s about them, or anything else, even a quick story!




Maddie's Conference

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Classroom Daily issue

The Classroom Daily
issue #4         by Ivy and Ellie

 Halloween Contest!!
Our second drawing contest will be today. This week’s drawing will be a jack-o-lantern. If you want to participate, all art will be due Wednesday, November 5th. Winning art will be posted in Friday the 7th paper. You may draw on paper or on google drive.

funnies 😸

Xavier Puffball Jr
by Joey Daso


Advice Column
Dear Ellie and Ivy,

My next door neighbor keeps coming over and asking for my mom RIGHT after she leaves. He just keeps doing it, so maybe it is just a practical joke. I mean, he can see her car pull out from the driveway. But he is staying persistent. What should I do?
-Very Annoyed

Dear Very Annoyed,
Simply tell him to stop. If this doesn't work, tell your mom so she can talk to him about it. If he backs away, you know its a joke. If not. he actually needs to talk to her.
                                    -Ivy and Ellie

Dear Ellie and Ivy,
My dad smokes and I have told him what I learned in D.A.R.E, but he said that dare is a bunch of lies. I asked him if he would at least if he would try to stop. He said yes, but he always says that he has to make a phone call and I caught him smoking and putting the rest of it in an empty flower pot. Should I confront him? Should I not, I don’t know, please help.

Dear Confused,
is your dad hurting other people, or just himself? If he is hurting others, you should get professional help or call the police. If not, tell him about E-cigarettes or chewing gum. Ask other friends for advice if all else fails.
                                 -Ivy and Ellie

Daybook Discussions

Taylor... WORD!

                                                    Ellie and Ivys day book discussion

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Daybooks for Critical Reading and Thinking, the Civil War and Mildred Taylor.

As a class, we've discussed how there are different types of reading. For example, there is at home reading, school reading, fiction and non-fiction reading. One question related to reading that we're trying to answer is, "What can we do as readers to think about our reading as we're reading and also remember more about we've read?" Today, we implemented a strategy to help us achieve this goal.

Our journey toward achieving this goal began today in our LRC where the students were directed to select a book about the Civil War. When we examined the works of Mildred Taylor in our Daybook for Critical Reading and Writing, it became apparent that the students had misunderstandings about the Civil War era. However, it isn't enough to just read the material. We have to keep our reading goal in mind. The activity and responses shown below are one more attempt of us making progress toward our goal. Enjoy.